Monday 16 April 2012

Rilli (Quilt)

Pakistan is a rich cultural place with lots of interesting handi crafts which one can only see in Pakistan like a “Rille”. This work is modernize in garment industry by the name of “Applique” but it surely isn’t as neat and classic as the traditional hand made rille. It takes weeks and even months to make a single piece of such an art.
these type of quilts are mostly made in interior Sindh in Pakistan.  It’s made out by using different colored pieces of cloth that are hand-sewed together. The most traditional of rilless is always made in Black-n-White cloth, that are sewed together in different patterns. Now days it is made in different bright colours, In urban areas people use it as a decoration piece for thier drawing rooms. these are used as decoration piece therefore people also hang them on the walls.

1 comment:

  1. textile jewel from the desert of thar...
    more info is available at
